Wise in the news

wise.com Policy Makers Worldwide Have Moved to Stop Hidden Fees - Where is the United States?
Policy Makers Worldwide Have Moved to Stop Hidden Fees - Where is the United States?
www.forbes.com The Future Of Payments: Fintech 50 2021
The Future Of Payments: Fintech 50 2021
www.paytechs.ca PayTechs of Canada - Interview with Nick Catino, Wise
PayTechs of Canada - Interview with Nick Catino, Wise
www.cnbc.com Google Pay now lets U.S. users send money to India and Singapore
Google Pay now lets U.S. users send money to India and Singapore
www.fastcompany.com We expect our emails and texts to send instantly. Why not our money?
We expect our emails and texts to send instantly. Why not our money?
www.crowdfundinsider.com Moving Money in 2021 Should be Like Sending an E-mail – Instant, According to Nick Catino from Cr...
Moving Money in 2021 Should be Like Sending an E-mail – Instant, According to Nick Catino from Cr...
www.payments.ca Wise: Modern payments regulations will support Canada's economic recovery
Wise: Modern payments regulations will support Canada's economic recovery
finance.yahoo.com Wise CEO on what prompted the company's rebranding
Wise CEO on what prompted the company's rebranding
thefintechtimes.com After 10-Years, TransferWise Changes Its Name to Wise | The Fintech Times
After 10-Years, TransferWise Changes Its Name to Wise | The Fintech Times

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